Protect nesting sites of Hawksbill Turtles and Green Turtles from poaching and unnatural predators

West Sumatra is home to nesting sites for 2 of the 4 species of sea turtles that inhabit Indonesia

The Green Turtle
(Chelonia mydas)

IUCN status : Endangered

The Hawksbill turtle
(Eretmochelys imbricata)

IUCN status : Critically Endangered


  • The illegal egg trade

  • The poaching of juvenile Hawksbill Turtles for their shell, considered to be lucky in Japan

  • Destruction of nests by non-endemic predators brought in by humans, in particular wild boars

Until 2016, in Padang, turtle eggs were sold directly from stalls along the beach or to be eaten there, despite the illegality of this activity. Following numerous articles in the national press denouncing these facts, the local government decided to enforce the law by banning the sale of eggs. Although it is no longer as visible as before, the egg trade continues despite everything due to the lack of physical means implemented to combat this trafficking.

From 1950 to 1992, Japan imported 800,000 Hawksbill Turtles from Indonesia including 300,000 adults for their scales and 500,000 babies for the use of their shells in the form of key chains considered to be lucky charms.

This is why Rimba is committed to protecting the main nesting sites of these turtles through the creation of 4 guard posts

The guards, divided into 2 teams of 2 people, are responsible for :

  • Identify egg-laying and nests ;
  • Record the GPS coordinates of each nests in order to map them and thus be able to strengthen surveillance on privileged sites ;
  • Ensure the safety of the turtle throughout the laying period ;
  • Establish a security perimeter around the nest by putting up a fence to prevent predators from entering the nest ;
  • Monitor the nest until the baby turtles hatch (establishment of a camp).



Sungai Pinang village


Beach favored by turtles for laying eggs


The main nesting site in our region is located on Marak Island


Annual budget :

  • Boat and engine maintenance : 100 €
  • Fuel : 2300 €
  • Securing nests (wire netting, posts…) : 100 €
  • Salaries for 4 guards / year : 4800 €

TOTAL = 7 300 euros 

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Conserve biodiversity sinks through the creation of marine nature reserves and by providing physical protection for these natural areas

Climate change and heavy fishing have led to the rapid decline in fish stocks. It’s also due to the mismanagement and local exploitation of seabeds such as coral reef destruction (dynamite fishing, cyanide…). Indeed, it is estimated that fishing with explosives, a practice only recently abandoned in the region, destroyed about 75% of Indonesian reefs (Source: Reefbase).

Like a vicious circle, the destruction of the seabed at the local level has a strong impact on fishermen’s yields, who will turn to other activities such as logging, poaching or slash-and-burn farming, contributing to the destruction of their forest environment, which will affect rice yields in the near future. All the agricultural and fisheries sectors are therefore threatened in the short and medium term.

In this context, we wish to act by creating a marine reserve that will serve as a refuge and breeding site for reef species.

Muaro Duo Bay currently has no official status. Nevertheless, with the agreement of the mayors of the 2 closest villages, Rimba currently protects a sea area of 5 hectares! In the end we wish to extend the protected area to 45Ha.

In 7 years of protection, it is already possible to see the difference and notice a clear improvement of the reef in the bay :

Increase in the number of fish species

Increase in the density of individuals per species

Return of reef sharks over the past 4 years

Confirmed presence of 9 resident turtles against 2 turtles 7 years ago

Presence of dozens of lobsters when they had disappeared from the bay

Presence of many new coral shoots